Great Places to Donate Items You Don’t Want to Move

Great Places to Donate Items You Don’t Want to Move

When moving there is usually furniture and household belongings that you just don not want or need anymore. Whether scaling down your home or getting rid of college furniture donating is the way to go. Recycling as I like to call it. The following are some suggestions for removing furniture, kitchen items and knick knacks.

First off see if any of your local auctioneer houses are interested in any of your furniture. They are most likely looking for quality and antique furniture but it never hurts to make a call and see what they are in need of.

Then I would check online for your local charities. Woman’s Humane Society, Cancer Centers, Thrift Shops and your local churches and synagogues. Consignment shops are good for the smaller pieces. Figurines, artwork and kitchen items are usually welcome there. Ask neighbors, family and friends if they have any place they like to donate too.

If all else fails there are your local dump sites. Call your township buildings and ask about bulk trash pick up days. Many townships and counties will have dump & recycle centers you may be able to dump at. Most of them will have small fees attached due to the recycling laws. Your mover should be able to help you with what is available in your area.

You may want to consider placing an advertisement for selling your pieces. Be careful with ads in your local papers and online. You may not want strangers in and out of your home. Be safe.

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