Urban Archeology Tile

How to Select the Right Urban Archeology Tile

Point Me In The Right Direction
The fabric look still remains modern for 2010. I still love it myself. Color doesn’t seem to matter. Go for any color you like, but remember… Always have the longest side of the Urban Archeology Tile pointing toward the longest point of the room. It will give the room a longer appearance. It is basically the same effect a short guy gets when he wears pinstripe pants…… he gives off an illusion of having longer legs.

Do Your Math

Go for sizes that the end result will be an even amount of Urban Archeology Tile. For instance, If a wall is 96″ long, use a 24″ long tile. That way you can have four full tiles on one wall without having to cut them. A common error is not to calculate the amount of tiles that will fit evenly,and end up having a bathroom full of an unsightly cuts and an overall uneven appearance.

Let Pebbles Lead the Way

The natural trend is very big in 2010. Solid stone pebble mosaics are being used more and more for indoors and outdoors. Again, the color is irrelevant. Pebbles come in many colors and sizes. They are very practical for stand up shower Small Kitchen Floor Ideas and outdoor walkways. Some glass mosaics even have pebbles suspended in clear resin. Stunning!

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Concrete Counter Tops

Quartz counter tops art OUT! When stores like Ikea offer them, you know the style has hit rock bottom. Look for Concrete Counter tops and Concrete Vanities to be the new it for 2010. Concrete can be mixed with different colors and can be carved into elaborate artwork before drying. Remember, Concrete is porous and must be sealed to prevent stains. Look for a sealer with a 10 year warranty. Wood counter tops are another alternative for 2010,but they are not very practical because they scratch very easily.

Glossy Or Matte Tiles?

This is by far one the biggest question I have asked by my customers. Should I buy glossy finish Urban Archeology Tile or matte finish tiles? The answer is whatever you want it to be. Both finishes work in 2010. There is no right or wrong. Some tile companies will dazzle you with both matte and glossy effects on the same tile. Don’t be confused and just pick whatever you find attractive. Hey remember what happened to bell bottom pants… Just kidding! You can find modern tiles at…..